Waterwork trials PDF Print E-mail

In Europe a change of view seems to be on its way. But at the moment only five races are allowed to do waterwork in most European countries: newfoundland, landseer. leonberger, labrador and berger de tatras (owczarek podhalski). The countries Germany, Spain and Switzerland in first line concentrate on waterwork as dog sports discipline -not restricted to race. For this reason Bryana, being a bouvier des flandres, can only participate in these countries...up to now!  

2007 Germany / WAG-NRW: Diplom A (vorzüglich) + Diplom B (sehr gut) at Wolfssee in Duisburg

2008 Italy / Ceresole Reale - Spanish trial: Grado°1 (moy bien) + Grado°2 (excelente)

2008 Germany / WAG-Westerwald: Diplom B (vorzüglich)

2008 Switzerland / Beckenried: WAH 1 (AKZ -certifikate)

2009 Germany / Dülmen: Team-Rescue-Diplom (248/250)