More than just a hobby: Print



It all started with a mantrailer seminar/clinic for Amy a year ago and has meanwhile become THE favourite all-seasons-job for both our bouv girls. Actually we had only been looking for a convenient occupation for young Amina after puppy age, because mother Bryana wasn’t only happy in her own sport/work category “waterwork”, but fully occupied with it…

mantrailing mantrailing mantrailing mantrailing mantrailing

Then the new activity “trailing” took lots of time and organization and always hang around just watching…no, that isn’t really Bryana’s cup of tea! She, too, showed big interest in the new challenge and with the beginning of 2011 she already turned “professional”. Now we work in a canine rescue squad as mantrailer team making fast progress in training success. As a consequence, the old sport has been neglected somehow: but you have to establish your priorities, the more she doesn’t only develop fun and ambition in trailing, but literally proves the necessary “nose”, a basic qualification for this hobby. Not to forget the typical –often smiled at- characteristic “Bouvier” head whose independence was once used in the old Flamish “driving” dog as well as in this new job now!